Capital Rx
It is more important than ever for plan sponsors to find a PBM partner that is aligned with their interests and needs, especially as healthcare costs continue to rise and ERISA lawsuits are levied against plan fiduciaries. But what’s the best way to identify an aligned partner?
Bridget Mulvenna (VP, Business Innovation) outlined 5 ways plan sponsors/fiduciaries, benefits managers, and other industry professionals can improve their PBM procurement process in 2025 that will help them navigate these difficult waters.
She also discussed why it’s important to break the addiction to rebates, how and when to begin the procurement process, and what factors to prioritize during that process.
Check out the replay and the highlights below.
- Tip 1: Start Early and Be Specific with RFPs (3:25)
- Tip 5: Break the Addiction to Rebates (16:26)
- Bonus Tip: Avoid the Status Quo (20:15)
- Five Questions to Ask your PBM (23:22)
- What is the difference between a PBM and PBA? (31:51)
- How does Capital Rx minimize member disruption? (38:25)
- What strategic adjustments should plan sponsors be making to stay ahead of industry shifts? (45:06)
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Want to learn more about Capital Rx’s PBM solution? Have any lingering questions about the webinar? Get in touch with us today!